Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What I did on my summer vacation!
Baking for Sophie's 13th Birthday party. 3 Layer Chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream and covered with ganache..I like to apply myself to new endeavors when I'm "off"!

This Fall at Art of Movement

After a bleak summer for sunshine here on Bainbridge, Fall isn't looking so bad! Back to school, cool weather with indoor time means back to Yoga & Pilates! I'm starting off the Fall season with a Back to School head cold! Apparently needed a bit more 'down time' before things really get rolling. Next week starts the Dance+Yoga+Core class at the Island Yoga Space (Tuesdays at 9:30) to get our minds and bodies moving and expressing. Planning a Retreat for October; "Advancing Your Practice" and workshops throughout the Fall.
Also helping The Island Yoga Space (IYS) with Yoga Month activities. September is Yoga Month! On Sept 26th I'll help to lead "108 Surya Namaskara" (Sun Salutaions), as a part of their sampler day of yoga. This is a donations only event, with all $$ going to help the IYS finish their second year in business in good form.